The 2 Features that Really Count in your Makeup

 The 2 Features that Really Count in your Makeup

Eyebrows: these are so central to how you look. Your eyebrows are part of your expression. They can make you look sad, angry, sleepy, kind: all the emotions that humans can convey.

So make sure that you look after them. Just taking time to really get them in the best shape for you will transform your face.

The 2 Features that Really Count in your Makeup

If your eyebrows are really blond, it can be worth getting them dyed. (It’s worth going to a professional for this. Like we said, your eyebrows are important!)

If you’re not sure what shape eyebrows would suit you, go ask a consultant. Just remember, there is no one style that suits everyone. Go with what suits you. And this is all about bone structure. Look at how your brow bone is shaped. See how that complements your face. Just refine and sculpt your natural shape, and you’ll have it.

Your eyelashes do an incredible job of framing your eyes. Once you’ve found one or two mascaras that really suit you, experiment with how you apply them.

You can go for the thick mascara, or thin it out with a eyelash comb while the mascara is still wet.

In fact, you could go so far as to say that for a light makeup look, you need only do these two things. If you get your eyebrows looking immaculate, and have mascara that really makes your eyes come alive, you could leave the rest.

Really. They’re that important.

PS. some good eyelash curlers can have great results. Curled eyelashes really open up the eye and make you look bright and alert.

How to Care for Your Eyelashes

As you get older, your eyelashes tend to get thinner and more brittle. However, you can prevent this by really looking after your eyelashes. Here are a couple of quick tips on how to take care of your eyelashes. Brush your eyelashes at the end of everyday with an eyelash brush. Dip the brush lightly in warm olive or castor oil first.

This will help to strengthen your eyelashes. One of the anti-aging products you never hear much about is eyelash conditioner. Everyone has wished they had long, thick, beautiful eyelashes at one time or another. Even if you were born with them naturally, the eyelashes do tend to become thinner as you age. Aging weakens the hair follicles and makes the eyelashes brittle, but a good eyelash conditioner nourishes the roots and achieves significantly longer, fuller, and thicker eyelashes.

If you do this regularly, it helps to get your silky, healthy eyelashes. Make sure you remove your makeup properly each day. This is a biggie, because so many people just let their eyemakeup ‘wear off’ during the day. Nope, you’ve got to remove it carefully and moisturise your skin.

Here’s a good way to remove eye makeup, especially mascara. Use a plant oil (like olive or castor oil.) Moisturise the skin around your eyes gently. Afterwards, use the oil to gently remove your mascara.

Groom your Eyelashes Properly: Like any other body part eyelashes require proper care and attention. For silky, thick and healthy eyelashes you need to groom them properly.

Eyelash Extension Classes

There are several types of class you can go to learn how to do eyelash extensions. For instance, professional makeup artists do eyelash extension courses.

After going to one of these classes, you can get a certification. This means that you can safely do the technical task of extending eyelashes. It’s a great skill for a beautician to have, for as more people hear about it and its benefits it’s quickly growing in popularity.

Another type of eyelash extension course is an online or correspondence class. This involves dvd’s and practice on a model. Of course, this type of course isn’t as hands on as a seminar or workshop, but can be very valuable.

Sometimes the best kind of course is a combination: you learn the basic technique from a dvd, then go to class with a professional beautician who will show you first hand the best way to apply eyelash extensions.

Because you need special adhesives to do eyelash extensions, it’s a good idea to learn from a professional. This way you’ll be certain to do the procedure safely, and with a good result.

This means happy clients and friends! Eyelash extension can get quite technical. You need to apply each extension individually. There’s also a huge range of colors, thicknesses and types of lash extensions to choose from.

The easiest and quickest way to get up to speed is to take a course that’ll shortcut the process for you. You’ll get told exactly what you need to know, and get on track to doing professional and beautiful looking eyelash extensions.

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